Cosmic octave music video : the sun
The cosmic octave frequency of the sun is 126.22 Hz (A = 449.8 Hz). And the BPM is 118.3. I tuned my guitar, bass and synthesizer to this frequency, and played phrygian dominant scale at 118.3 BPM. And I made the video of my image of the spiritual aspect of the sun using fractal images. I hope you enjoy this music and video.
Cosmic octave music video : Uranus
The orbital period of Uranus is about 84 years (30685.4 days). The octave of this frequency is 207.36 Hz and 97.2 bpm. 1/(30685.4*24*60*60)*2 to the 39th power=207.36 Hz 1/(30685.4*24*60)*2 to the 32nd power=97.2 bpm I tuned my guitar, bass, and synthesizer to this frequency, and played the Kanjira (South Indian percussion) at 97.2 bpm. And I made the video of my image of the spiritual aspect of Uranus using fractal images. I hope this music video helps you to explore your inner spiritual world and you enjoy it. If you want only music, you can buy from the link below. https://www.satoru.info/items/89966010
Earth day meditation music and video
Octave of the earth day (1 day = 24 hours) is G 194.18 Hz (A 435.9 Hz) and 91 BPM. I tuned the synthesizer to this frequency and played it. I created the video with my abstract image of the earth with fractal. I hope you enjoy this music and video.
Earth year meditation music and video
Octave of Earth orbital period (1 year) is C# 136.1 Hz (A 432.1 Hz) and 63.8 BPM. I tuned the synthesizer to this frequency, If you want only music, you can buy from the link below. https://www.satoru.info/items/70361661
Cosmic octave music video : Saturn
Octave of Saturn orbital period is D 296 Hz (A 443 Hz) and 69.3 BPM. I tuned the guitar, bass, and synthesizer to this frequency, and played with 296 Hz singing bowl. (I played pandeiro for the rhythm.) Please imagine Saturn and I hope you enjoy this music and video. If you want only music, you can buy from the link below. https://www.satoru.info/items/7841901
Cosmic octave music video : Venus
Venus orbital period is 224.701 days. Octave of this frequency is A = 442.46 Hz and 51.85 bpm. I used 1770 Hz triangle plate and 3539.68 Hz tuning fork, they are octave too. I tuned my guitar and synthesizer to these frequencies, and played north Indian morning raga "Bhairav" by the guitar. I imagined Venus in the morning before sunrise. I hope you enjoy this music and video. If you want only music, you can buy from the link below. https://www.satoru.info/items/6066413
Cosmic octave music video : Earth year
Octave of Earth orbital period (1 year) is C# 136.1 Hz (A 432.1 Hz) and 63.8 BPM. I tuned the guitar, bass, and synthesizer to this frequency, and played with 272.2 Hz singing bowl. I played the pandeiro and shaker for the rhythm. I imaged Mother Earth and Africa while playing this music. So I played polyrhythm like African music. I made this video with my image of the diversity of the earth. Please imagine spiritual mother earth and enjoy this music and video. If you want only music, you can buy from the link below. https://www.satoru.info/items/37185199
Cosmic octave music video : Bass Duet of Neptune
Cosmic octave music video : Bass Duet of Neptune .mp4 (Download Music Video) 343MB The orbital period of Neptune is 60189 days. Octave of this frequency is 211.44 Hz and 49.56 bpm 1/(60189*24*60*60)*2 to the 40th powe = 211.44 Hz 1/(60189*24*60)*2 to the 31st power = 49.56 bpm I tuned my bass and synthesizer to this frequency, and played in 49.56 bpm, 5 beat bass duet. Neptune symbolizes imagination, intuition, dream, meditation, music, and art. I imaged such symbols of Neptune while playing this music and making this video. I hope you enjoy this music and video. If you want only music, you can buy from the link below. https://www.satoru.info/items/33504044
Cosmic octave music video : Mars
Cosmic octave music video : Mars .mp4 (Download Music Video) 232MB The orbital period of Mars is 687 days. Octave of this frequency is 144.72 Hz and 67.8 bpm 1/(687*24*60*60)*2 to the 33rd power=144.72 Hz 1/(687*24*60)*2 to the 26th power=67.8 bpm I tuned my bass and synthesizer to this frequency, and played the kanjira (south Indian percussion) in 67.8 bpm. The first half of the melody is played 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, then 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. The second half, I played south Indian rhythm pattern on the bass and the kanjira. And I made the video of my image of spiritual aspect of Mars. I hope you enjoy this music and video. If you want only music, you can buy from the link below. https://www.satoru.info/items/31154382
Cosmic octave music video : Pluto
Cosmic octave music video : Pluto .mp4 (Download Music Video) 324MB Pluto's orbital period is 248 years (90487.27693 days). Octave of this frequency is 140.64 Hz and 65.9 bpm 1/(90487.27693*24*60*60)*2 to the 40th power=140.64 Hz 1/(90487.27693*24*60)*2 to the 33rd power=65.9 bpm I tuned my guitar, bass and synthesizer to this frequency, and played in 65.9 bpm. And I made the video of my image of spiritual aspect of Pluto. Pluto symbol meaning is "light and darkness", "life and death", "reincarnation"... I expressed such symbol meaning by playing polyrhythm which goes different rhythm together like "light and darkness", "life and death"... I made the video like that too. Light and darkness appears repeatedly. I played the Khartal (wooden percussion in Rajasthan, India) 4 beat by right hand, 3 beat by left hand together (4 x 3 polyrhythm), and 3 beat by right hand, 2 beat by left hand together (3 x 2 polyrhythm) in 3 beat cycle. I hope this music video helps to explore your inner mental world, and you enjoy that. If you want only music, you can buy from the link below. https://www.satoru.info/items/19922269
Full moon frequency and theta brain wave music
The cycle of full moon to full moon is 29.530589 days. The octave of this frequency is A=210.42 Hz and 98.6 bpm. I tuned my synthesizer to 210.42 Hz at a tempo of 98.6 bpm. Lower octave of this frequency is A=52.605 Hz, and B=59.04711351 Hz, there is 6.44211351 Hz of difference which correspond to theta brain wave. I played A B A B ... on left channel and B A B A ,,, on right channel, so 6.44211351 Hz binaural beat is gonna be created in your head. Please listen by speaker or headphone to be able to play around 50 Hz. Otherwise, you can not hear the sound of theta wave. Frequency of full moon effect to human body and theta wave is good for relax and focus. I hope my music and video help your life a little bit better :-) I made this video with my image of the moon to go to deep spiritual journey to the inside of the moon by fractal patterns. I hope you enjoy this music and video. If you want only music, you can buy from the link below. https://www.satoru.info/items/16712997
Cosmic octave music video : Mercury
Cosmic octave music video : Mercury .mp4 (Download Music Video) 536MB Mercury orbital period is 87 days and 23.3 hours. Octave of this frequency is 66.2 bpm and I used 1130 Hz triangle plate and 2260 Hz tuning fork, they are octave too. I tuned my guitar and synthesizer to these frequencies, and played north Indian evening raga "Yaman" by the guitar. I imagined Mercury is following to the sun in the west sky in evening. And I made the video of my image of spiritual aspect of Mercury. This frequency corresponds to 5th chakra which is throat chakra and the symbol of communication. Play this music and video for meditation, in therapy room or seminar BGM, etc. I hope this music video helps to explore your inner mental world, If you want only music, you can buy from the link below. https://www.satoru.info/items/6050262
Frequency and tempo of the moon and rhythm of Fibonacci
The cycle of full moon to full moon is 29.530589 days. The octave of this frequency is A=210.42 Hz and 98.6 bpm. I tuned my guitar, bass, and synthesizer to 210.42Hz and I played 420.84 Hz singing bowl and 1683.36 Hz triangle plate (they are octave too) in tempo of 98.6 bpm. I played the rhythm of Fibonacci numbers which are 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 ... (adding previous number is next number) 1:2, 2:3, 3:5, 5:8, 8:13 ... these ratios are getting closer to the golden ratio 1:1.61803... and draw the golden spiral. (See the image above.) I repeated playing the rhythm of 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 which total is 32, the same as 4 times of 8 beats. This makes us feel stable even such unusual rhythm. I played the Kanjira which is south Indian tambourine, 1 "THOM" 2 "TA KA" 3 "KI TA KI" 5 "THOM KA KI TA KI" 8 "THOM KA . THOM . THOM . KA" 13 "THOM . THOM. KI TA KI, THOM KA . KI TA KI ". 13 is 7+6, so the rhythm is reduced 8, 7, 6, then back to top. 1+2+3=6, so you can listen as 6, 5, 8, 7, 6, average of 5 and 7 is 6, so you can think as 8 beat is in the middle of 6 beats. This is interesting rhythm, isn't it? These numbers are called Fibonacci numbers but Indian musician Hemachandra found this sequence before Fibonacci did. So I dedicate this music to Hemachandra. I made this video by Fractal which repeats the same shape even close to the detail like Fibonacci spiral, with my image of the moon. I imagined to go to deep spiritual journey to the inside of the moon by fractal spiral. The moon is a feminine symbol and "Yin" of yin-yang. Feel deeper your unconsciousness and balance masculinity-femininity, yin-yang, while watching this video and listening to this music. You can watch the video below. Please be careful not to feel dizzy.
Lights in meditation
I saw green and blue twinkle lights in meditation. They were so beautiful and I was impressed. I wanted to show you what I felt. So, I made this video and music inspired by these lights. I hope you like this video and music. You can watch the video below. Please be careful not to feel dizzy.