
Fragrance of honeysuckle / Memory of early summer

Fragrance of honeysuckle Memory of early summer.JPG

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"Fragrance of honeysuckle / Memory of early summer"

When I walk around my house at the end of May,
I smell very nice sweet fragrances.
Before the rainy season in June.

These fragrances remind me of the start of the rainy season.
The fragrance of honeysuckle tells me early summer is coming.

Fragrances are a very good means of expression as well as pictures, music...
It draws immediately the memory of "honeysuckle = early summer".
It's the specific way of fragrance corresponding to memory.

Fragrances remind me of the impression of what I felt:
emotion, the five senses and all feeling, not only smell.
I think it's a very strong expression.

When I say the word "expression", you may imagine a visual one.
If you can find such expression as in honeysuckle,
you will find a more beautiful expression of nature in your world.

When humans express their impression of nature,
it becomes art. This is what I am doing in this photo.

I hope you will know this sweet fragrance in real life
and try to understand the complexity of your senses.
Then that will show you a beautiful true world.

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